
Fathom Optics Marketing

Client: Fathom Optics
Role: Graphic Designer

Helping Fathom Optics make an impression

Below are various marketing projects I was a part of while at Fathom Optics, in both the physical and digital media. Dieline Ads, newsletters, sample pack, bellybands, stickers, and collaborative marketing with other companies.


Digital Ads

Initial marketing, aside from company outreach through connections and direct emails, was targeted through online packaging platforms such as Dieline. I assisted creating several animated ads to draw in designers to explore the online Fathom Designer tool.


Email Newsletter

Once drawing in designers or converters (the printers who produced labels/packaging) to our site, we connected them to the company’s biweekly newsletter. Below are a few pieces.


Trade Show Booths

By mid-to-late 2021, the COVID restrictions were being dropped left and right. Following this trend were the reopening of trade shows. Fathom Optics wanted to take advantage of the transitional time and finally make appearances in person, meeting both designers, brands, and packaging manufacturers.


The company wanted a low-profile, mobile space that they could use to quickly hop from trade show to trade show. Original concepts of the booth had more dramatic elements and pillars, but then was simplified to fit budget restraints and ease of assembly. This space was meant to be assembled by one person.


As part of the booth, branded backdrops and interactive posters were created to showcase the possibilities. Though Fathom Optics was pitching mainly to packaging, Fathom Effects could be utilized in other ways such as POP signage. The company actually had it’s start creating fully holographic LED-backed displays.


Trade Show Stickers

Made a collection of stickers with the most successful and popularly used Fathom Effects. These were made as both an addition to the Fathom Sample Pack as well as something to hand off during trade shows.

Blog post describing the design process.
Link to an interactive 3D viewer of the stickers.


Belly band and Magazines

Other marketing pieces were made with partnered converters. From belly bands to labels, I’ve been involved in a range of collaborative marketing pieces.

Link to a 3D viewer of the Flexo Magazine July 2021 - Belly Band.
Link to a 3D viewer of the Adcraft Marketing Sheet.
Link to a 3D viewer of the Eastern IPA Amherst Sample Beer.


Flexo Magazine July 2021 Belly Band